Life Cycle

The life cycle of a red panda starts as a cub. A mother can have one to four cubs at a time, but usually has twins. A cub is usually born around the summertime or the springtime, after around 130 after mating. At first, the mother makes a nest from leaves and plants on a rock or in a hollow tree. When the mother gives birth to her young, the cubs at first are blind after 3 weeks. A cub is weaned from three to four months. In order to provide milk for her cubs, she has to eat 3 times the amount of bamboo she usually eats. A cub stays at their nest for about ninety days, until they go out and learn how to survive in the enviroment. Then after around a year, the cubs are finally fully grown into adults and now live independantly. The average life span for a red panda is up to 13 years.